It’s that time of the year when we spread the good news of Oral Health.
In celebration of World Oral Health Day this year, we need to remind our dear readers of the importance of practicing a good oral hygiene routine so they can ‘BE PROUD OF THEIR MOUTH FOR THEIR HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING’.

Whenever an individual is told he has cavities, they often wonder why this is so. You hear them say ‘but I brush my teeth regularly how come I still have cavities?’. The answer lies in the number and frequency of sugar-containing foods they take. Some people brush at night and still eat candies/chocolates before going to bed giving room for the sugars to act on their teeth overnight. To be free of cavities (tooth decay), it is essential to eat a balanced, low sugar diet in addition to practicing a good oral hygiene routine.

Note: Remember to visit your dentist regularly in order to take charge of your Oral Health.
Photocredit: worldoralhealthday