Will My Health Insurance Cover Dental Procedures?

Do you fall into the category of people who have health insurance/HMOs? Or do you have a friend who falls into this category, please read on.

What is a Health Insurance:
This is an arrangement by an insurance company which covers the cost of medical care. The enrollee/client either pays out of pocket and is reimbursed or the insurance company pays directly to the health provider.

Are Dental Procedures Covered?
A good health insurance will cover both medical and dental procedures. You will be covered to have some basic procedures such as professional cleaning (scaling and polishing), tooth restorations (fillings), extractions etc. Sometimes you may need a higher type of insurance to cover some other procedures such as crowns and artificial tooth replacements (Dentures and bridges).

I Don’t Use My Health Insurance Because I Hardly Fall Ill; How Do I Maximize My Benefit?
One of the components of a health insurance is preventive services. What this means is that you don’t have to be ill before you use your health insurance package. Professional cleaning of the teeth (scaling and polishing) which is a dental procedure covered under most dental health insurance is a preventive procedure. This cleaning can be done twice a year under most health insurance options available. Don’t let your insurance go to waste, take good advantage of your dental coverage.

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