What To Know About Dry Mouth

Inadequate flow of saliva makes the mouth feel dry hence the name ‘Dry Mouth’ or Xerostomia

The functions of saliva include:
  • Maintains oral hygiene by washing food debris from the teeth and corners of the mouth.
  • Aids adhesion of dentures (artificial teeth) to the oral tissues
  • Prevents tooth decay by reducing the acidic effects on the teeth
  • Prevents Trauma (sores) by lubricating the surfaces of the mouth during movement of the mouth such as when talking, and eating
  • Helps in easy digestion of food
Causes of Dry Mouth
It is important to note that dry mouth is not a disease itself. These causes include:
  1. A Side Effect of some medical conditions such as anaemia, ‘Sjogren’s syndrome’, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, mumps etc
  2.  Dehydration: conditions that lead to dehydration such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, blood loss etc 
  3. Side effect of some medications such as: antihistamines, diuretics, antidepressants, tranquillizers, etc
  4. Side effect of some medical treatments such as: chemotherapy and radiotherapy (to the head and neck), removal of the glands that produce saliva etc 
  5. Mouth breathing
  6. Tobacco use
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Adjusting the dose/ changing medication in cases where the cause is the use of medications.
  • Breathing through the nose instead of the mouth.
  • Use of drugs (Sialogogue) which helps the stimulation of saliva.
  • Chewing sugar free gum
  • Use of artificial saliva

Photo credit: Capitalfm

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