If there is any part of your body that needs a treat, i’ll say its your mouth. You make use of it day in day out, all year round. It is that part of your body which speaks a lot about you. It houses your smile, your identity and tries to impress people you meet daily. A Scaling and Polishing also known as “Professional Teeth Cleaning” is a must have for everyone who wants to be on top of his/her game. In addition to getting rid of the Plaque and Tartar on your teeth surfaces, it also gives you confidence to face the world; smiling through a conversation, not getting worried about bad breath.
Scaling and Polishing is not only painless, it is also a quick procedure. The procedure can either be done manually or through the use of an “Ultrasonic Scaler”. If you ask me, i’ll say go for the ultrasonic scaler; this is because it gets the job done faster and gives you a gentle feel. Many new dental clinics make use of the ultrasonic scalers.
Benefits of Having Scaling and Polishing include:
- Having a professional cleaning gets rid of plaque and calculus which are culprits in the initiation and progression of Gum Disease. Preventing Gum Disease then subsequently prevents tooth loss.
- Gets rid of Mouth Odour.
- Gets rid of stains on your teeth thereby giving you a bright smile
- It helps prevent tooth decay. Your Dentist can also identify cavities in their early stages and help restore them.
Book a date with your Dentist Today.
See also: How To Get Rid of Yellowish/Brownish Debris on Your Teeth