Thinking of Giving Yourself a Treat? Try Scaling and Polishing

If there is any part of your body that needs a treat, i’ll say its your mouth. You make use of it day in day out, all year round. It is that part of your body which speaks a lot about you. It houses your smile, your identity and tries to impress people you meet daily. A Scaling and Polishing also known as “Professional Teeth Cleaning” is a must have for everyone who wants to be on top of his/her game. In addition to getting rid of the Plaque and Tartar on your teeth surfaces, it also gives you confidence to face the world; smiling through a conversation, not getting worried about bad breath.

Scaling and Polishing is not only painless, it is also a quick procedure. The procedure can either be done manually or through the use of an “Ultrasonic Scaler”. If you ask me, i’ll say go for the ultrasonic scaler; this is because it gets the job done faster and gives you a gentle feel. Many new dental clinics make use of the ultrasonic scalers.

Benefits of Having Scaling and Polishing include:

  1. Having a professional cleaning gets rid of plaque and calculus which are culprits in the initiation and progression of Gum Disease. Preventing Gum Disease then subsequently prevents tooth loss.
  2. Gets rid of Mouth Odour.
  3. Gets rid of stains on your teeth thereby giving you a bright smile
  4. It helps prevent tooth decay. Your Dentist can also identify cavities in their early stages and help restore them. 

Book a date with your Dentist Today.

See also: How To Get Rid of Yellowish/Brownish Debris on Your Teeth

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