Teeth Whitening – The Claims and the Realities

Teeth Whitening is the most desired of all dental procedures. The average person wants to improve the appearance of his/her teeth by making it whiter. There are different enticing methods online which claim to aid in natural teeth whitening which are detrimental to the health of your teeth. The fact that it is natural doesn’t mean it is healthy. Let’s take a look at some of these claims. 
Claim 1: You can whiten your teeth using Lemon 

Reality: Lemon is a fruit, though natural, it is acidic. Exposing the teeth to the acidic effects of lemon can cause tooth wear which will then lead to tooth sensitivity (pain). The outer layer of the teeth (the enamel) is brighter looking than the inner layer which is yellow (the dentine); with time, the acidity of the lemon causes the outer layer of the teeth to wear off which then exposes the yellow looking dentine. So in the real sense you are being counter productive. This also applies to the use of vinegar. 
Claim 2: You can whiten your teeth by scrubbing it with baking soda or activated charcoal. 

Reality: using substances that are abrasive will eventually result in tooth wear which will make your teeth appear more yellow. This also applies to people who use hard toothbrush thinking it will clean their teeth better. The hard toothbrush only makes the appearance more yellow. 
Claim 3: Oil pulling (swishing coconut oil) can help whiten your teeth. 
Reality: There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. 
The best ways to whiten your teeth are keeping healthy habits which include:
  1. Brushing your teeth regularly (American Dental Association recommends brushing twice daily for at least 2 minutes).
  2. Flossing regularly at least once daily.
  3. Not smoking/using tobacco. 
  4. Avoiding drinks that stain the teeth such as coffee, tea, or red wine. Also avoiding kola-nuts and bitter cola which have been found to stain the teeth. 
  5. Visiting the dentist regularly. 
People have variations in the colour of their teeth the same way there are people with different skin colours. 
To whiten your teeth, speak with your dentist as there are proven methods that work whether home Whitening kits (Do It Yourself) or in office kits (Dentist required). Regardless of the option you choose, let your dentist monitor your progress in order to prevent damage to your teeth. 

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