Sugar Containing Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

Sugar containing food and drinks have been implicated as one of the major factors in the initiation and progression of tooth decay. Ordinarily, eating sweet things won’t make you have holes rather, eating them regularly increases your chance of having holes. To the dentist, how frequently you consume sugar
is more important than the quantity you take. When you take sugar, the state of your mouth supports the bacteria which causes tooth decay to act. In a situation where you have sugar in your mouth for too long (such as popping sweets into your mouth one after the other), these bacteria have more time to breakdown the teeth thereby leading to tooth decay.
The following are foods that cause tooth decay: 

  • Sweets, 
  • chocolates (especially sticky ones), 
  • chewing gum (sugar containing ones), 
  • biscuits, 
  • cookies, 
  • cake, 
  • ice cream, 
  • soft drinks/soda, etc.
NB: If you must take sweets, take them all at once and remember to brush your teeth twice daily. Also, make sure your chewing gum is sugarless/sugar free. 
Reduce sugar intake, stay safe, stay healthy.

Photo credit: the candida diet

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