Its World Cancer Day! What You Must Know About Mouth Cancer?

A Cancer is the term used to describe abnormal growth on any part of the body with the tendency to spread. The most common types of cancer include breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. Though Mouth cancers are not as common as the other types mentioned, they are equally life threatening.

What is Mouth Cancer:
Mouth cancer also known as oral cancer is the abnormal growth which occurs in the mouth (i.e can affect the tongue, lips, cheeks, roof of the mouth (palate), floor of the mouth (beneath the tongue) and throat) and have a tendency to spread to surrounding parts of the body. Deaths caused by mouth cancers can be prevented if the patient seeks help early.

Who is At Risk?
People who take alcohol and tobacco (in form of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, tobacco chewing etc) are most commonly affected. Men have been shown to have a higher risk of having mouth cancers which may be due to the fact that men consume more alcohol and tobacco than women. People who are over exposed to sunlight are more prone to having cancer of the lips. People who have weak immune system are also at risk. Human papillomavirus (HPV) a sexually transmitted virus has also been shown to cause mouth cancers especially in those who engage in oral sex.

What are the signs of Mouth Cancer:
It can be seen as a painless mouth ulcer (sore) which does not heal within three weeks. A sore that bleeds, having mobile/loose teeth as well as pain when swallowing are symptoms. Any unusual swelling in the mouth may develop into a cancer. Any abnormal red or white patch in the lining of the mouth.

Can It Be Cured?
Yes it can, early detection is key. If mouth cancer is detected early, there is a good chance of it being cured. This is where having routine dental check up comes in because each time you go for dental check up, your dentist checks areas of your mouth which might not be easily visible to you. Treatment for mouth cancer depends largely on the stage at which the patient presents for help as well as the location. Treatment includes surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. It may be one form or a combination of treatments. 

Taking fruits and vegetables regularly will help boost ones immune system thus preventing cancers. Stop the use of tobacco and alcohol.

Note: If you have an ulcer (a sore) in your mouth which doesn’t heal within 3 weeks, please visit your dentist.

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