Help! I Have Stains On My Teeth Despite Brushing Twice Daily and Using Mouthwash

Many often wonder why they have stains on their teeth despite the fact that they brush their teeth regularly and make use of mouthwash. The answer is simply due to prolonged use of mouthwashes such as one with chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine mouthwash is often prescribed by the dentist to help prevent gum disease. However, frequent/prolonged use of it can stain the teeth. Although mouthwashes have benefits, avoid prolonging the use of chlorhexidine beyond the time prescribed by your dentist.

Benefits of Mouthwashes include:

  1. Helps freshen breath
  2. It slows down the formation of plaque(the whitish substance which forms on the teeth).
  3. Prevents gum disease.
  4. Helps prevent cavities/tooth decay. 
  5. Slows down the formation of calculus/tartar(hardened plaque)
Side effects include:
  • Irritation: Stop the use of mouthwash and visit your dentist immediately you notice any irritation to your gums.
  • Teeth staining: long term use of mouthwash which contains chlorhexidine stains the teeth. The stains can be cleaned off through professional cleaning done by dentists. 
Please Note: 
The use of mouthwash is not recommended for children below the age of 6 years because of the risk of swallowing. Mouthwash contains fluoride which if taken in excess may lead to a dental condition known as fluorosis(whitish stains on the teeth).

Photo credit: Dental tribune

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