Do You Know That Drinking Water Has Good Benefits To Your Mouth

The following are the benefits of drinking water to your oral/dental health:

  • Prevents tooth decay: drinking water in place of sweet drinks help prevent tooth decay. Bacteria which causes tooth decay thrives in the presence of sweet food and drinks. Drinking water helps balance the pH of the mouth which subsequently discourages the action of bacteria causing tooth decay.
  • Prevents bad breath: saliva consists of 98% water. Saliva baths the mouth regularly and helps prevent dry mouth. When a person does not drink enough water, his mouth may become dry and it can lead to bad breath/mouth odour.
  • Prevents stains: some food and drinks such as tea and coffee have the potential to stain the teeth. Drinking water after taking these drinks is a way of preventing stains from forming on the teeth as water helps wash off residues off the teeth.
  • Keeps the Mouth clean: drinking water helps get rid of food particles left in the mouth after eating. It does not replace the regular tooth brushing but compliments it. 

The benefits of drinking water can not be over emphasized. Drinking water should not be limited to meal times alone rather, we should endeavour to drink water throughout the day.

Photo credit: Carob Cherub

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