Discover 8 Amazing Uses For Your Old Toothbrush

Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!
Dentists recommend changing ones toothbrush every 3 months; what this means is that in a year you should have 4 toothbrushes to discard and 20 toothbrushes in 5 years. Who says your toothbrush is only meant for your mouth? Once your toothbrush has completed its purpose of cleaning your teeth for 3 months, it can still be put to good use. Here are some uses to help save time and money while you recycle your toothbrush.

1. As Hair brush: Ladies often require a hair brush to keep their hair in place. A perfect use of the toothbrush is when it is being used to pick the edges of the hair making it fall in place.

2. As Nail brush: you can use your old toothbrush to get stubborn dirt from beneath your nails.

3. To Remove Hair and dirt from Hair brushes/combs: Just apply some hair spray on the toothbrush and brush off the hair attached to the hair brush. To clean a dirty comb, soak the comb in soapy warm water and brush off the dirt with your old toothbrush.

4. To exfoliate: You can work towards having a smooth face by gently using your old toothbrush to remove rough patches from your face.

5. To brighten the look of your jewelry: it works best with cleaning gold necklaces and ear rings and well as wedding rings. Soak your jewelry in warm water and soap, then use the toothbrush to clean off dirt gently. Voila! Your jewelry is sparkling.

6. To wash off Stubborn stains from clothes: Apply water and detergent on the stained cloth and using your toothbrush, brush stain off gently.

7. To wash snickers and training shoes: old toothbrushes are well suited for cleaning snickers and training shoes. Gently scrub while washing.

8. To clean the bathroom: old toothbrushes come in handy in cleaning hard to reach areas in the bathroom.

Do you have other uses for your old toothbrushes? Please share in the comments section.

Photo credit: sydne style

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