Check Out These 5 Tips For Keeping Your Breath Fresh All Day Long

Many people struggle with bad breath and often wonder what to do to get rid of it. Here are some simple tips to help you get rid of the problem and leave your breath feeling fresh all day long. 

  1. Brush your teeth: brush your teeth twice daily for at least 2 mins. Brushing the inner surfaces of your teeth is equally as important as brushing the outer surfaces. Many people often concentrate on the outer surfaces of their teeth neglecting the inner surfaces and corners of the teeth. This leads to the accumulation of dirt and subsequently bad breath. 
  2. Brush your Tongue: the tongue is many times neglected in the teeth brushing routine. The tongue serves as a reservoir for germs which can cause bad breath. To ensure your breath is fresh, don’t skip brushing your tongue. You can make use of a tongue scrapper or simply use your toothbrush to brush your tongue lightly. Avoid vigorous brushing.
  3. Floss regularly: food particles sometimes get stuck in between the teeth. Brushing the teeth alone won’t get these particles off. These stuck particles accumulate, get broken down and cause bad breath. Using Dental floss removes food particles and dirt from in between the teeth effectively.
  4. Drink water throughout the day: dehydration can cause bad breath. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water which keeps the mouth wet and also washes off remnant of food thus preventing bad breath.
  5. Chew sugarless gum: keep minty sugarless gum handy; it’ll help keep your breath fresh quickly.

If you have persistent bad breath, please pay your dentist a visit.
See also  How to prevent bad breath

Photo credit: SR Nutrition

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