Causes of Tooth Decay I

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries/cavities/holes, is the progressive destruction of tooth structure as a result of acid produced by certain oral bacteria when they break down dietary sugars. Common signs and symptoms include toothache, tooth sensitivity, tooth discoloration, bad breath, gum swelling due to pus accumulation, etc. 

If you’re lucky to be among the group of people that do not have a hole/holes in their teeth, then, congratulations! First off, let’s correct common misconceptions people have about tooth decay.

“Sugary sweets and drinks are the only things that can cause tooth decay”
There is no doubt sugar and sugary foods cause tooth decay, however, these aren’t the only culprits. Frequent snacking, sticky foods, food and drinks high in acid, etc can cause tooth decay as well. Any carbohydrate can literally start off the process. Sugars in foods like bread, potatoes, fruit, beans etc. can be broken down by bacteria in the mouth to form acids that can decay the teeth.

“There’s no pain, so there’s no problem”
This is not true all the time. Tooth decay might not be painful especially at its onset but this does not mean the process has not begun. It gets painful when it has progressed and the nerve of the tooth has been affected. This is why regular dental checkups are so important. Don’t wait till it hurts.

“It’s just a hole and it’s not even that painful, I’ll manage”
It is not just a hole and it can have serious complications. That it’s not “that painful” today does not mean it can’t cause a debilitating pain tomorrow. Trust me, this is one of the cases where a stitch in time actually saves nine. Plus, the longer it goes on, the more expensive the treatment gets.

“I do not chew gum so I won’t have a hole in my teeth”
Chewing gum that contains sugar is bad for the teeth, however, sugar-free gum protects the teeth! This is because the chewing action increases the flow of saliva in the mouth and it cleanses the teeth. It is advised that you chew sugar-free gum to protect your teeth.

“Only children can have caries”
Caries is not limited to children alone. Adults can have cavities as well, as caries can develop at any age.

“Holes in baby teeth aren’t significant”
Yes, they are. That the baby teeth, also known as the primary or milk teeth, would be shed for the permanent teeth to replace them, does not make decay in baby teeth less significant. Decay in baby teeth can cause pain and serious infection in children. It can also cause the baby teeth to fall out earlier than they should, and lead to a misalignment. In addition, this can keep the permanent teeth from growing in the right position.

Continued in the next post.

Photo credit: Diabetes UK

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