How To Get Rid Of Yellowish/Brownish debris on Your Teeth

If you’ve not had a dental check up of recent, you probably would have noticed some yellowish/brownish substances on your teeth. These substances are known as Calculus/Tartar and will not come off even with vigorous tooth brushing.

Calculus/Tartar is calcified/hardened plaque. If tooth brushing is not effective/regular, plaque will build up with time and get calcified by minerals present in saliva and harden to form calculus which adheres to the surface of the teeth and can only be removed by the dentist through a process called ‘Scaling and polishing‘.

The presence of calculus on the teeth is unsightly and may cause bad breath.
The following will help get rid of Calculus

  • Brush your teeth regularly: brushing twice daily(for 2 mins) will help remove plaque which will in turn prevent the formation of calculus/tartar.
  • Brush all surfaces of your teeth: Many tend to neglect the inner surfaces of their teeth(areas hidden when they talk or smile) hence calculus forms more on the neglected areas.
  • Floss regularly: flossing helps get rid of plaque which the toothbrush can not get to between the teeth.
  • Go for regular professional cleaning(twice a year): Scaling and polishing is a painless procedure that eliminates the presence of calculus and plaque keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

Photo credit:drjlv

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