Teeth Whitening/Bleaching

When it comes to the color of the teeth, we do not all have the same shade. Some have pearly white teeth while others have off white to cream/yellow colored teeth. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having off white/cream colored teeth however, people desire white teeth at one time or the other.
Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure, it is the process of making the teeth whiter than it is. You
may hear the word ‘bleaching‘ from your dentist often, it means the same thing as teeth whitening. Dentists make use of special dental bleaching agents and it is important to note that ‘Household bleach‘ is NOT a substitute for Teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening is not the same thing as professional cleaning(scaling and polishing) although your dentist will often do a ‘scaling and polishing’ to get rid of plaque, calculus or stains from the teeth before whitening your teeth.

There are mainly 2 ways to get your teeth whiter:
1. You can do it yourself
2. It can be done by a dentist

Do it yourself: known as ‘home bleaching‘. There are teeth whitening kits that can be bought without prescriptions. These kits contain mild whitening agents that help brighten the color of the teeth. It contains the whitening substances and usually a tray holds the gel and helps apply the material on your teeth. There is often a pamphlet which states how to carry out the procedure. Though easy to use, it is always better to have a dentist monitor the whitening process so as not to over bleach the teeth.

Whitening done by a dentist: known as ‘In Office bleaching the dentist being a professional  can use more powerful bleaching/whitening agent to achieve great results in lesser time and at lesser risk. The dentist can apply protective coats to your gums to prevent the bleaching agent from causing irritation and will also be able to suction(remove) saliva to prevent accidental swallowing.

Side Effects of Teeth Whitening
Common side effects of teeth whitening include:

  • Teeth sensitivity which is temporary and will improve with the use of toothpaste for sensitive teeth. 
  • Gum irritation/reactions.

Want the best for your teeth? Talk to your dentist before starting the teeth whitening process. He/she will give you the best option as merely whitening your teeth may not improve the condition of your teeth if discolored or you might need to have some holes filled before commencing the procedure in order to prevent injury to your teeth.

NB: Dentist generally do not whiten children’s teeth.

Photo credit: Best teeth whitening

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