What Causes Tooth decay and How To Prevent It

In simple terms, tooth decay refers to having a hole (cavity) in the tooth. It is also known as dental caries. Tooth decay is caused by eating sugar containing food & drinks frequently and not brushing the teeth appropriately and regularly. When a person does not brush properly, plaque- a whitish sticky substance present on the teeth which contains bacteria accumulates. Upon eating sweet food/drinks,
these bacteria act on the sugar to produce acids which breaks down the teeth in a process called decay.

Although the outer layer of the tooth (the enamel) is the hardest structure of the human body, it can be softened by the action of bacteria (which is present on the tooth surfaces).

Tooth decay can be prevented by cutting down on sugar containing food and drinks, brushing the teeth regularly (twice daily) especially just before bed, flossing daily and paying the dentist regular visits (every six months).

Say No to tooth decay

Photo credit: pinterest

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