Visiting The Dentist During COVID-19 Pandemic

Many aspects of our lives have changed since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. People now think twice before making moves during this period just to be sure they aren’t exposing themselves to the Coronavirus. When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, many dental offices closed down following Public Health recommendations to reduce the spread of the virus. Now that COVID-19 cases in some parts of the world are reducing and restrictions are gradually being lifted, many dentists are opening shop. The question many have is that is it really safe to visit the dentist during this pandemic? Those that haven’t had a case in their city for a while are probably more comfortable visiting their dentist for procedures than those who still have so many active cases.

Although the pandemic is still ongoing and there is no vaccine/cure yet for the virus, life goes on but definitely not business as usual. Even though Dentists are generally infection control conscious, there is still the possibility of contracting the virus in the dental office so the need to take extra precautions. Many dental offices have put in measures to ensure the safety of both patients and staff. Don’t be alarmed if your dentist asks you some questions, it is for the safety of everyone. The following are things to consider before you visit your Dentist:

  1. Is Your Dentist’s office opened? Put a call through to your dentist’s office to find out if they are opened. 
  2. Are you visiting for an emergency or an elective procedure? Though opened, some offices are only attending to emergencies during this pandemic. Elective procedures are those that can be performed at later dates. 
  3. Tell your dentist if you have COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath etc.
While scientists race to search for vaccines/cure for COVID-19, ensure you observe good oral hygiene and stay safe.

Photo credit: Palladium dental

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