10 Common Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

Yesterday, I had to attend to someone who chipped his front tooth after using it to cut a piece of wire. Thankfully, it was just a small chip; he was lucky and he learnt his lesson. It sure could have been worse, possibly costing him more money to fix.
Though the human teeth is very hard, it is liable to fracture when used inappropriately.
The following are habits that can damage the teeth:

  1. Opening bottle tops: your teeth is not an opener, use a bottle opener instead. Giving in to the temptation could cost you some discomfort as the tooth could break during the process.
  2. Chewing ice: this could cause your tooth/teeth to chip off. The cold effect on the teeth is also detrimental to the health of your teeth.
  3. Chewing bone: Many have broken their tooth/teeth while chewing bone. Exercise some caution. 
  4. Chewing your pen/pencil: people chew their pen to ease off tension. This habit weakens the teeth overtime. When next you feel the urge to chew your pen, chew sugarless gum instead. 
  5. Cutting and holding things: your teeth is not a working tool, avoid using them to cut open plastic bags, pieces of wires or thread. Also avoid holding pins and nails with your teeth.
  6. Finger nail biting: this can cause the tooth to flake or chip off. 
  7. Teeth grinding: prolonged clenching  or grinding will lead to wearing down of your teeth.
  8. Brushing too hard with hard toothbrush: this wears off the outer layer of the teeth. 
  9. Smoking: tobacco stains the teeth. These stains could be difficult to remove. 
  10. Thumb sucking/tongue thrusting.: this leads to malalignment of the teeth.

Photo credit: msahnplace

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